
Are braces put on during the first appointment?

No, braces are not put on during the first appointment with your orthodontist. There are a few steps taken during initial appointments before your braces are actually applied. These steps are as follows:

  1. Visit your dentist or orthodontist for a free consultation.
  2. Your dentist or orthodontist will explain the state of your teeth and discuss a financial plan for your treatment.
  3. During your second appointment, separators (also known as spacers) will be placed between your back molars.
  4. These separators will be left in to create space between your teeth before your next appointment.
  5. The third appointment is when bands are attached where your separators created space.
  6. If you do not require bands the braces may be applied during your third visit, or else your dentist may hold off until the next appointment.

During your first appointment you can also ask any questions  like, “Do braces hurt?” or, “Is there a down payment for braces?”

Your first appointment is separate from your free consultation during which your mouth will be examined, the state of your teeth will be explained, and a financial overview of your treatment plan will be discussed.

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