Wisdom Teeth Removal
Do I really need to get my wisdom teeth removed?
If you’re asking the question, deep down you probably already know the answer. You might not think wisdom teeth removal is a big deal, but avoidance can cause a number of problems down the road, including pain (ouch), infection (double ouch) and damage to adjacent teeth or roots (also bad).
We've got wisdom teeth removal down.
Wisdom teeth removal is a simple procedure that requires little recovery time. First, you will be anesthetized with either local sedation, or general anesthesia. Once you are under, the doctor will make an incision in your gum in order to remove the tooth. Once all the wisdom teeth are removed, you will be stitched up and sent home.
After the procedure there may be some bleeding and discomfort, but you will likely be able to manage any pain with an over-the-counter pain relievers. You may also experience some swelling, but that should clear up in a couple days. If you have any abnormal side effects, contact your doctor right away.

If you’re at least 17 years old and haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed, here are a few more reasons you should just rip off the band-aid and do it.
- Your jaw may not be large enough for your wisdom teeth, and they may be unable to break through your gums.
- One or more of your wisdom teeth may come in at an awkward angle, with the top of the tooth facing forward, backward, or to either side.
- A more serious problem can develop from impacted teeth, such as infection or damage to other teeth and bone.
Not to brag or anything, but we’ve removed hundreds, if not thousands of wisdom teeth. We’ve got this down to a science and can ensure the quickest recovery time possible. Schedule a wisdom teeth removal consultation with Bright Side Dental & Orthodontics today to learn more about your wisdom teeth situation and how we can help.
Dental FAQs
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If your wisdom teeth removal question is not listed below, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-Painless (1-800-724-6537).